Tile Roofing, & Tile Roof Repairs
We pride ourselves in being Colorado’s BEST tile roofer. We can identify & diagnose your tile roof’s issues… and fix them correctly the FIRST TIME! Our tile roof repairs will extend your roof’s life, save you thousands, and give you peace of mind!

Common TiLe Roof Repairs & Issues

Broken Tile
Broken tiles allow water into the tile roofing system; and if the break exposes the underlayment beneath UV exposure will prematurely age it causing leaks.

Clogged Valleys
Clogged valleys may look innocuous but tree debris can keep water from draining effectively; and over time this can rot the underlayment & battens beneath the roofing tile.

Wind & Hail Damage
Wind can dislodge roof tiles and loosen fasteners; & hail can shatter tiles, or damage metal flashings which can cause leaks.
Common Historic & Discontinued Tile Brands & Types

The most exclusive tile, often on distinguished historic (and new) homes.

Discontinued, historic roofing tile.

Common “builder grade” roofing tile. No longer made. Repairs rely on salvage roofing material for repairs; not always allowed by building departments.